Redka 3'Te 3 Zeka Oyunu
How to play?
The dealer shuffles the cards in the deck. He places 12 of them (4x3) open on the table to form a rectangle and the game begins. The first player to find the group by pressing the bell gets 3 cards. Whether it has the three-thirds feature is checked by other players. If correct, the player wins these three cards. If it is wrong, the player lays down the cards and loses the game. The player who wins the first cards is now the dealer. He takes three cards from the deck and puts them in place of the cards he has won. There is no queue in the game, the first to ring the bell must get the cards. If there is no group that can be formed within the 12 cards and the players agree, 3 more cards are placed on the playing field. If the cards have a common set, no cards are revealed (again, there are 12 cards on the table). The game continues until the deck is finished and there are no cards left that can form a group. The player with the most cards wins the game.